Saturday, July 12, 2008


After teaching middle school for six years, two of those overseas, I feel that our jacked up education system has scorned me too much and it's time to focus my energy elsewhere..
A year off staying home with my new baby should have been plenty of time to redirect my career, but I feel scared and unsure and generally discombobulated. A novel I started five years ago languishes in my closet, my business plan sits half-written, oh..speaking of....
I'm thinking of starting a retail/chat website for moms that offers pregnancy comfort items, new mom comfort items, a place to vent your certainly endless joys and frustrations with mommyhood, and perhaps offer a little online sanctuary that can help other moms, and myself, remain a ZenMama!!!
I know it's an iffy time to start a business, but.....

A man (or woman) would do nothing, if he waited until he could do it so well that no one would find fault with what he has done.
~Cardinal Newman
